Nicro 52 M TIG

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Solid nickel base welding wire for Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) welding
CEWELD® Nicro 52M Tig filler metal is used for welding nickel-chromium-iron (Inconel 690) alloys to themselves, and for dissimilar welding between nickel-chromium-iron alloys and steels or stainless steels. The applications include surfacing as well as clad-side welding. This product contains Boron and Zirconium to minimize the tendency for ductility-dip cracking, while it is especially resistant to oxide "floaters" and inclusions.
Excellent resistance against oxidizing media combined with high mechanical strength at room temperature but also at extreme high temperatures combined with high ductility due to the high chromium content. Alloy 690 was developed to offer greater resistance to stress corrosion in the nuclear industry, pure water environment. Similar to FM 52 but the 52M is for nuclear application where a specific (very strict) chemical analysis is requested.
  • AWS:A 5.14: ERNiCrFe-7A
  • EN ISO:18274: S Ni 6054 (NiCr29Fe9)
  • DIN: W.Nr2,4642
