S2 CrMo2

сплошная проволока
Submerged Arc wire for welding temperature resistant boiler steels and base metals.
Typical applications in power generation plant include steam piping, turbines and boilers; the alloy also finds applications in the chemical and petrol-chemical industries.
Submerged arc welding wire for high temperature creep resistant 2,45%Cr 1,0%Mo ferritic steel. These steels are used for creep resisting applications up to ~550°C. The wire has low levels of tramp elements (e.g. Sn, As, Sb and P) providing a low Bruscato Factor (X< 10 ppm) for temper embrittlement resistant applications. Recommended flux: FL 155
  • AWS:A 5.23: EB3~
  • EN ISO:24598-A: S CrMo2
